Our college library has all kinds of educational, informational and informative materials published in several languages. Every year there is an increase in books and magazines related to course and non-course literature, art, cultural and world level information. At present the library has more than 25 thousand books related to each field. Poor students are provided with textbooks for the entire year, so the student has to take written permission from the Principal and return the books after the examination is over. The rules of the library are as:

  •  The student will be responsible for all books taken out through the library card and it will be imperative to present this card at the time of taking out the book, otherwise the book will not be available.
  • Three books will be issued to degree class students and four books to postgraduates for 14 days. Books returned after the specified time will be fined as per library rules.
  • In case of loss of a book, immediately report it to the library. In case of non- return of the lost book, 20% damage charge will be charged along with the current price.
  • On reference books, magazines, newspapers, General magazines read only in the library.
  • It will be the responsibility of the student to keep the library book properly, so check it carefully while taking out the book. If the book is damaged, bring it to the notice of the concerned officer.
  • Students who went on leave through someone else Can submit the book.
  • Get identification while returning the book That the concerned officer from the library card Cut and signed or not.
  • Stealing a book from the library is uncivilized. Remember that the book you need may be needed by someone else.
  • Assist in maintaining a peaceful learning environment in the library.

Dr. Gurmej Singh Mann (Librarian)

Qualifications: : M.A. Political Science, M.Library ( Information Science), U.G.C. Net P.hd

S. Parduman Singh Khaira (Assistant Librarian)

Qualification: M.A. History,M.Phil, B.Lib ( Information Science)

Mrs. Surinder Kaur (Restorer)

Qualification : B.A., Diploma in Library & Information Science